Thursday, October 21, 2010

Pumpkin farm

Happy fall! We went to the local Hischerhof farms. I was thinking it was going to be a pumpkin patch, but it was just pumpkins they picked for sale. It was a neat display though. They had a corn maze, hay stacks for the kids to play on and a place to pick flowers. A few weekends ago they had a festival, but Preston was sick so we missed it. Probably for the best because the place was empty when we went. The kids both picked out a pumpkin and are looking forward to carving it next week. As you can see little miss Cassidy is full in her 2's and has the attitude to go with it.


  1. Oh Miss Cassidy! Watch out America's next top model she already has her signature pose! Love ya B

  2. I have a four year old with the same attitude! Pam
